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Our DIN and ISO-comÂpliÂant preÂcisÂiÂon parts such as cutÂting punÂches and die busÂhes, proÂve its quaÂliÂty and reliaÂbiÂliÂty througÂhout their lifeÂtime. ManuÂfacÂtuÂrÂers of the autoÂmoÂtiÂve indusÂtry as well as the elecÂtriÂcal, fitÂtings, perÂfoÂraÂting, filÂter and sheet metal forming indusÂtries rely on our expertise.
MainÂtaiÂning stanÂdard in a comÂpeÂtiÂtiÂve marÂket, EBERÂHARD PreÂcisÂiÂon Parts is your trusÂted partÂner for stanÂdard comÂponÂents of the higÂhest quaÂliÂty. Increase your proÂducÂtiÂviÂty with our preÂcisÂiÂon tools. From mateÂriÂal to coaÂting, our team of experts is hapÂpy to help you. We offer same-day-shipÂping from stock of DIN and ISO-comÂpliÂant cutÂting punÂches and die busÂhes, both in stanÂdard and interÂmeÂdiaÂte dimenÂsiÂons. SpeÂcial orders with cusÂtom dimenÂsiÂons and forms can be proÂduÂced at short notice.