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  5. BLECH­EX­PO 2025


From 21 to 24 Octo­ber 2025 in Stuttgart.

The prac­ti­cal trade fair duo of Blech­ex­po and Schweiss­tec takes place on a two-year cycle in the sta­te trade fair cent­re in Stutt­gart (Lan­des­mes­se Stutt­gart) and is the only event in the world that deals with the com­ple­men­ta­ry tech­no­lo­gies of sheet metal pro­ces­sing and joi­ning tech­no­lo­gy. Within the shor­test time­frame, Blech­ex­po has been able to gain a lea­ding posi­ti­on in Euro­pe and now ranks second in the world on the list of trade fairs for sheet metal pro­ces­sing. The Schweiss­tec inter­na­tio­nal spe­cia­list trade fair for joi­ning tech­no­lo­gy forms the ide­al com­ple­ment. It pres­ents all of the rele­vant mecha­ni­cal and ther­mal joi­ning and con­nec­ting pro­ce­du­res as well as ther­mal wel­ding processes.

For more infor­ma­ti­on — www.blechexpo-messe.de/en

We look for­ward to your visit!